Walking Anual Program 2023

Organised by the Gerês Viver Turismo association, this programme is supported by the Municipality of Terras de Bouro, and operated by six tourist entertainment companies in the municipality, with specialised guides who know the area.
The organization aims to highlight the unique characteristics of Gerês for the practice of nature walks, highlighting the network of trails that can be found and safely traveled in this tourist destination. The promotion of a healthier lifestyle in conjunction with the diversified existing natural and cultural heritage also continues to be an objective, as well as the promotion of the economic and social development of the area.
The Guided Walks (with the exception of celebratory events) are free when added to your booking.
Please register at: reservas@casasaobernardo.pt , indicating your name and date of birth: Participant’s Name and Date of Birth.
Download the program here: and venture in Gerês in a personalized way!